Three Rivers
History From America's Most Famous Valleys

From the Johnson Papers, Vol III

page 338

A. L. S. 1
Fort Johnson 20(th). Febr(y). 1761
Your verry friendly letter received some time ago, for which I am extremely oblidged to You, encourages me to trouble you now with an affair which I am oblidged to take notice of, and see Justice done to the Indians in, it is concerning the Sale of their Lands; I know that his Majestys Instructions to his Governour relative thereto (Coppy of which, as far as relates to the Indians, was transmitted to me by the Lords of Trade some time ago) are very full & explicit, and I doubt not in the least of their being adhered to by You, but as there has been & still are abuses & unfair means used with them for obtaining Deeds for their Lands, which may not, indeed cannot be well cognisable to a Governour, I think it my Duty to give you a hint of it, and endeavour all in my power to prevent their being defrauded, as I am fully sensible that nothing can tend more to alienate their affection & attach ment from his Majestys Interest, than the pressing them to dispose

1 In New York Historical Society.

of their Lands, & that often by verry unwarrantable means when at their Castle three days ago, they all expressed their concern, and great uneasiness on that Account, and desired I would write to You, and entreat You not to pass Pattents for any Lands, that were not given, or sold with the consent of their whole Castle, as they say that their Bretheren the white People, often make a few of their foolish People drunk, then get them to sign Deeds, while the rest, and those, even whose property it is, know nothing at all of the affair.- this I am certain, is contrary to his Majestys Intentions as well as to the regulations made in ye. Year 1736 on y(r). Memorials.1--- there are many recent Instances to prove their Assertions, but I shall only trouble you with two, viz(t), that of Ury Klock, & one Eve Pickard a Mullatto Woman liveing on the Flatts of Conajoharie. the former, about two Months ago, haveing no Lycence that I can learn, did bribe, and make drunk a few Indians, and perswaded them to sign a Deed, which they knew not the purport of, without a Magistrate or Interpreter present, and when the said three or four Indians got sober, and were told of it, they were ready to hang themselves, and exclaimed greatly against Klock, this and many other base things has he done in that way. w(h). I shall now not trouble you with. but come to the latter, who showed me a Deed of gift for part of the Indian Flatts, or Lowlands &(ca). signed but three days ago by three Indians dead drunk, it is dated notwithstanding last September, the three Indians whom she got to sign it, are the drunkenest Rascals in y(e). whole Castle, and were carried away from a Horse race on the Ice, by Eve Pickards Children to their House w(h). is a Tavern there made drunk for the above purpose, I spoke to the three Indians next day, who were surprised, and declared they knew nothing of it. I do assure You Sir, that all the Indians of the two Mohawk Castles are more alarmed, & uneasy of late, than ever I knew them to be before occasioned greatly by some bad People telling them things they know nothing of, and w(h). I believe has never been thought of.

1 See Doc. Rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y.. 6:67-69.

I am endeavouring to find out the Persons. I did last Summer punish two Dutch men for spreading wicked reports among the Indians, and cost me much trouble to convince them of the falseity of them. the dread of haveing their Lands snatched from them, as they call it, without the consent & knowledge of the whole, is, by what I can see, the greatest trouble, and uneasiness they labour under. & that, I took a great deal of pains four days ago at their Village, to convince them would not be allowed by the King, nor his Governour.--- but Ury KIocks reporting among his Neighbours, that he had bought of the Livingston Family, that Pattent, which includes their Castle, and planting Lands, and which occasioned so much disturbance this time past, added new fuel to the fire, in all my life I never saw People so enraged as they were at it, when they came to inform me of it at my Quarters, and to know whether I knew anything of it. on my telling them I had heard something of it, & had reason to think it was so, they said, it was such treatment as they could not expect, as a return for the tenderness, & severall Services they had from the first Settlement of the Country by White People shown & done them. and for their firm Attachment to his Majestys Interest, by which they had lost the most & best of their Men, and were ready to Sacrifice the remainder in his cause, had it been necessary, & concluded it was better for them all to dye at once, than to live in misery, & at last starve, which they foresaw was to be their fate.--- I desired they would be patient until I enquired into the affair fully, and told them likewise that I expected soon to hear from Home, about that, and other Matters, in consequence of what was sent by them to his Majesty some time ago, wherein, I did not doubt there would be proper steps taken, this quieted them a little, but I fear if they are not done Justice to soon, and their greiviances redressed, it may turn out a more serious affair than we are apprehensive of. I shall do what I can to reconcile them, and see Justice done, but will want your Assistance; in y(e). first place, I would be glad to know from You the true state of that affair, or Patient of Livingston, and y(r). opinion how I may act most properly therein.---when anything new concerning these Matters occurs, I shall take the liberty to trouble You with it.

If there be a new Commission of the Peace &(ca). to be made out in consequence of the Kings Death, I must beg leave to observe, that there are Severall Europeans in Albany, Schenectady and other parts of this County, verry well qualified everry way for Commis(s)., & I do assure you Sir there never was anything more wanted than a change as there is no Justice to be expected by any Englishman in this County, nor never will, whilst the Bench of Judges & Justices is composed entirely of Dutch, who pride themselves in the appellation, which alone, in my opinion should render them odious to everry Britton. I could give You Sir, numberless Instances, supported by incontestable Facts, of the partiality, cruelty and oppression of those in authority here, who call themselves Dutch, but as their Characters must be well known to You, from. so long a Residence in the Country, I will not intrude on your patience with a detail of them, but conclude with desireing your excuse for takeing up already so much of oyr. time, and allow me to assure You, that I am most sincerely & respectfully
Dear Sir
Your most Obedient
& most Humble Servant

L. S.
<Cannajoharie Feb(r). 20th 1761,
This is tho Certify what I have told your Honour Some> Days <ago, the Subscribers testify to have b>en at New York <with Master Philipp Livings >ton, about the <Land where they live upon at> present & Livingston <told them: they might> .have the Land but he would not <have War> with the Indians, they could with a trifle Satisfy <the> Indians & moreover, Livingston's wife told <them,> that the Land could never ben Divided So long <an> Indian was a life in the Castle, the following <is> a True Copy from the Original:

New York the 15. October 17<54.>
The patent in Compagnie with David Schuyler & others Contains 8000. acres.1 the Share of Philipp Liv<ing>stons heirs is 2/5 which is 3200 Acres Any person Inclined to Buy the whole may apply to the Subscriber who will sell the same at Ten Shelling per acre rady Mony.
Philipp Livingston

Our most humble Desire is, that your Honour may grant us your Most Valiant Grace and Protection Against any Furder invasion & Disturbance in our quiet Possession we Dye
Your Honours most Faith. & Dutyfull Servants.


In the presence of

INDORSED: Feb'y. 20th 1761
Certificate from Severall
concerning Livingstons Land
near Conajohare

1 See Calendar of Council Minutes, p. 296, 300, 305. 307, 309. and Calendar of Land Papers, p. 1 76, 180, 188, 190, 193.

2 Verbi Dei Minister, Minister of the Word of God.

[P.] S.1
[ ] Herckemer has last Lords Day told the Inhabitants after Sermon to put themself in a way of Readiness because he had News that the Five Nations would destroy the River with Bow and Arrow. Adam Hellmer Sen(r). & Lorenz Hurters Wife told me So, on the burring Day of Jurry Wendeker in the presence of manny others.

I fear this may raise the Blood of the Sauvages, if it Should come out by one of the other.

ADDRESSED : The Honorable Sir William
Johnson Baronet.

INDORSED: Feb(ry). 20th. 1761. Letter and advertisement from Sevr(1).
Germans liveing on disputed lands
between y(e) Ind(s). & Livingston--
Some things Material

Page 352

Df 1

Castle Cumberland March 10th 1761.
Yours of the 20th & 22th. of Jan(ry). I received sometime ago, and I should have answered them sooner but that I waited for an answer on some points from Gen(rl). Amherst, w(h). I but yes terday received. I told M(r). Welles to write you soon after y(e). receipt of yours, & to let you know I would not let you suffer, or serve for nothing, be M(r). Amhersts intentions w(t). they will. He tells me hehas done so, and I hope with it, you have been easier in y(r). Mind, than by y(rs). I find you have been this time past. Y(r). journal shall keep safe for you. I am glad to find all is peace and quietness there. I did not mean you should apply to Gen(rl). Gage for y(r). Sallary as my Agent, or to anybody else but to myself. What I meant was, that you should call on him as Gov(rl). there, for what you might absolutely want for carrying on that Service for w(h). you were stationed there w(h). if not allowed I dont see your being there can be of any service, rather y(e). contrary. However, as it is my resolution, as long as I have y(e)

1 Destroyed by fire. See p. 358 for note on Castle Cumberland.

page 358

Castle Cumberland 2 March 10th 1761

I received yours of the 25th Ult(°).3 some days Ago incloseing a Licence granted by Gov(r). Clinton to M(r). McGin 4 the 8th. Day of May 1752, for Purchasing 8 Thousand Acres of Land with very odd Boundaries as thereby appears there is a Rule of Council making Void all licences unless the lands are purchasd, Survey(d) & pattented within a Year after Granting the Licence so that this Licence could Signify nothing now. I have also received Coppy of a kind of Instrument drawn by some Unexperienced Person in such affairs last Nov(br)., and Signed by some Indians without the knowledge or Consent of the rest, who all now Disavow the thing, if your Mother-in-law had acted a proper & prudent part in that affair, she Would not now be so Perplexed besides I cant help saying it is ungenerous to write me as she did by you Desireing me to stand her friend against U. Clock when she knew I had got a deed of it from the whole Castle 5 but would not seem to know it and at the same time working another way at N York which I have an account of; 6

1 Destroyed by fire.

2 Castle Cumberland was built by Johnson previous to his journey to Detroit-a handsome summer villa on the northwestern edge of the great vlaie in the present town of Broadalbin, named out of compliment to the Duke who vanquished the Pretender. About the same time he constructed a rustic lodge on the south bank of the Sacandaga four miles west of Castle Cumberland, which was subsequently called " the Fish House" because of his using it for recreation and fishing in the latter days of his life.-W. L. Stone, Life and Times of Sir William Johnson, 2:163-64.

3 Not found.

4 Teady Magin.

5 5ee Johnson to Banyar, January 2, I 761.

6 See Banyar to Johnson, December 15, 1760.

Page 560

Inspection, they will appear to your Excellency's Satisfaction, than which nothing will give me greater pleasure.-

I Should be glad your Excellency would give me an order for Some ammunition, and Provision, as I have not an Ounce of either in Store."-
Wm. Johnson
INDORSED: Extract.
Letter from Sir Wm:
Johnson to General Amherst;
Dated Fort Johnson, 5th: Novem(r).
Acquainting the General of his Return from the Detroit, and of the good Disposition he had left the Western Indians in; and that he Should as soon as possible, transmit the General the whole of his proceedings, &ca.- in S(r)-. J: Amherst's of Nov(r). 27: 1761
N°. 21.

Fort fohnson Nov(r). 6th 1761
After a tedious Journey of 6 Weeks I arrived from the Detroit a few days ago, 2 & am now to acknowledge the receipt of your favour of the 2dof last July, 3 which I was then prevented from answering by reason of my being on my Journey.

1 Destroyed by fire.
2 October 30th. See W. L. Stone, Life and Times of Sir William Johnson, 2:477 (Diary on Journey to and from Detroit).
3 In Collections of the New York Historical Society. 1876. Colden Papers, p. 96-97.

page 561

With regard to the Lands I beg leave to refer you to M(r). Banyar, to whom I have wrote by this opportunity, & made him such proposals as I imagine will be acceptable. I must confess I was a good deal out of humour when I wrote you last,1 as I judged myself in a great measure trifled with by some people, especially as I had the Ind(s)Deed of Gift, prior to any other pretensions,2 & when it is notorious that I am the only person in these parts who (far from preventing) takes every measure for Selling the Lands which I purchase by the encourag(mt). of industrious people to whom I grant Lotts on the most reasonable terms At the same that I was a good deal disgusted at the delays which I met with I still flattered myself that the friendship subsisting between us, would secure me your interest therein and I should be heartily glad that the affair might be Setled during your administration.

I sho(d). be glad to hear from you what M(r). Barclay has wrote you concerning this land in the Mohocks Country, as well as upon the Subject at present m question.

The Western Confederacy of Ind(s). seem entirely disposed to favour the English & will not in my opinion unless provoked be ever persuaded to break the peace w(eh). I have made with them, and in order to finish all matters & put them on a proper footing I purpose w(th). Gen1. Amherst's approbation to call down the 6 Nations to a Meeting where I hope every thing will be adjusted to the public Satisfaction.

As I am busied at present in preparing and making up the Ind(n) Proceedings tor Gen1. Amherst's perusal I hope youl excuse my present brevity w(eh). I shall make up for in my next for altho' a good deal interrupted at present I was unwilling to let slip the acknowledgment of your last, as well as the opportunity of assuring you how much I am &(ca).

Hon(ble). M(r). COLDEN.

1 Johnson to Colden, June 18, 1761.

2 For a contrary view, sec Banyar to Johnson, February 2, April 6. May 28 and June 24, 1761.

Page 562

P. S.
I judge it necessary to inform you that one Urie Klock reside at Conajoharee, has during my absence deported himself in so extraordinary a manner towards the Inhabit(s). & Ind(s). there that he has given universal discontent particularly concerning the land purchased of M(r). Livingston 1 (which you know included the Indian Castle) by warning & turning 2 sev1. people off who have resided thereon, & payed rent to the Indians for the same these sev1. years past, with other unwarrantable steps. I should therefore be glad to have your opinion thereon & to have a stop put thereto at least until I shall hear from Europe hav(g). wrote home on that Subject, otherwise the Ind(s). may attempt to right themselves, which may be productive of bad consequences & which it may not be in my power to prevent,

The preceding letter is followed in the Johnson Calendar, p. 120, by a letter of November 7th from James Peters, at Fort Stanwix, to Johnson, mentioning need of medicines at the post for Indians. Destroyed by fire.

A. L.S.3
[Albany, Nov(r). [9?], 1761]
Inclos'd You will Receive a Letter Commited to my Care by M(r). Shuckburgh at New York which I Left the 6th Instant. On my arrival this morning I was very happy to hear you were again

1 See Johnson to Amberst, February 5, 1762.

2. A letter in the New York Historical Society, of which this is a draft, has "threatening to turn."

3 Destroyed by fire.

Safe at your Estate in the Mohocks Country; I heartily Congratulate You on your Return and Rejoyce to hear you are in Health after Your long Dangerous & Fateagueing Journey.

The Wines I were to Deliver you per agreement, I purchased when at N York In the Summer from M(r). Phil Livingston, and shipd them Immed(ly). for this place where they have been in your Cellar untill a few Days past waiting any directions M1(r). Stringer 1 Might Receive Concerning them As I did not know to Whose Care to send them during Your absence. I hope & dont doubt But they will meet with your approbation as they were the oldest & Best To Be had in New York. M(r). Livingston assured me they had been three Years in-his Cellar and I took the opinion of several Tasters In the Choice of them.

I am very sorry to observe that the Concernd in the Lands purchased from the Conajoharies last Summer have Not Yet Obtained the patents for them; from some Defects in the Boundaries of The adjoining Patents, w(th). M(r). Colden Transmited To His Deputy, M(r). Vrooman has Included 14,000 acres of Land in the Survey he Made which was already Patented, so that we shall fall short that Quantity of what we actually purchased and paid for. As the Indians were fully Satisfied and Realy Intended to Convey to us the quantity Contained in M(r) Vroomans Survey, I hope and Dont doubt But we May Yet Be able to get it from them, and I Rely from the Equity & Justice of the thing, upon your good offices, which I flatter myself your Goodness will Not Withhold, when we treat with them on the Matter.

Whether our friend Shuckburgh has Communicated you the News Received the Evening before I left N York I Cannot Say. Least he Sho(d) not, Give me leave to acquaint you; That a Ship arrived in 24 days from the Orkneys, by which we Learn, that The Czarina was Dead; that she had Bequeathed the Empire to

1 Dr Samuel Stringer, of Albany.

Page 602

The preceding is followed in the Johnson Calendar, p. 123, by two papers which were destroyed by fire: Colin McLelland's evidence about Ury Klock's method of obtaining deeds from Indians, dated January 7th; deposition of Conrad Timmerman and Daniel Miller regarding the base action of Une Klock and the connivance of Justice Tillebach in the matter of Domine Lappius's salary, sworn before Johnson, dated the 7th.

Df. 7
Fort Johnson Jan(ry). 7th 1762.

Yours of the 21st Ult°. came to hand, by which I still see some odd objections made to my last proposals, altho I thought they could admit of none, and I realy imagined I had wrote expressive enough on the subject, When.I told you that I would (on You & your Associates paying me £600 New York Cur-rency, as Your & their share of the Ind(n). purchase) allow you and them (Klock excepted) to come in for such a part as in my letter was Mentioned, & described, that is still my intention, & think no reasonable sett of Men can say but it is a fair Offer, Why you should expect me to pay for the Survey, when nothing of the kind was signified I cannot Conceive. I am willing to pay my share of the Survey as any other of the partners do, & as to the Division I had nothing else in view than what was consistant with Honour & Equity, & I am sorry to find you seem to Harbour some thoughts to the Contrary, which is not very friendly. I shall be glad to have no farther delay or trouble about it. It is already more than ever I had with any other affair. You are pleased also to Observe that you cannot see the least prospect of Succeeding otherwise than by an agreement between the Parties, realy if they are not determin'd ag(st). comeing into the most reasonable terms, they cannot hesitate a moment accepting those already offered them, if they will not

1 Destroyed by fire.

I shall never make any other, should the Land lye so to eternity. You have not sayed any thing concerning a part of my proposals which was to include in Said Pattent about 1400 Acres for me on the south side of y(e) Mohawk River, which the Indians are willing to let me have as they are sure I will not hinder them the use of it if Wanted. Pray let me have your answer thereto in Your Next.

The Land which Ury KIock is endeavouring to get at any rate from the Indians, adjoins that which the Indians gave me y(e) Deed for, and may be taken in, it is about 12 or 1400 Acres and can be sold as soon as pattented to a good price, indeed I never had any thoughts of Purchaseing it, finding the Ind(s). averse to Selling it, but they now could be prevailed on to dispose of it, rather than Ury Klock should get it. My Objecting to his haveing it, was at the earnest desire of all the principal Indians, who was afraid Klock might by the unfair means he was using prevail on some of their lose Idle Young People (whome keeps constantly Drunk at his house) to Sign a Deed to him for it, notwithstanding the whole Castle of Conajohare have repeatedly forbid him tampering with their People about Land & Declared they would by no means dispose of any to him, for several reasons very sufficient, but too tedious now to mention. It may soon appear tho, before the Governour & Council, whom I expect will take proper steps to make an example of him for all his Villany.

I shall only add & assure you that I have never known the Indians of both Mohawk Castles so uneasy in their Minds, as at present entirely owing to Ury Klocks proceedings, and particularly to the unwarrantable steps he has for some time past, & still continues takeing in order to persuade at any rate, a few Ind(s). to execute Deeds for that tract of 1200 acres, as well as for that Patient which he Purchased last Winter of M(r). Livingston, 1 and all this, is done by him, in open defiance of, and opposition to the repeated Warnings the Chiefs & Young

1 See Johnson to Banyar, December 6, 1761, and Johnson to Amherst, February 5, 1762.

Men have Given him and letters wrote by me to him on that head. As these are proceedings intirely repugnant to & inconsistent with the Kings Royal intentions & instructions, they will I fear, if not immediately put a stop to, be productive of more trouble & Confusion in this part of the Country, than any thing ever happened. This I have repeatedly Given as my opinion, & wish proper notice may be taken of it before it is too late.

I am also of opinion that the Lands in General around Lake George are but very indifferent, & hardly worth takeing up.

I should be desireous of knowing whether there is a new Commission of the Peace to Issue soon, or not, if not, whether it would be practicable to remove a Justice or two in these parts, against whom realy the whole Body of the Settlers along the Mohawk River & Stoneraby greatly Complain for being very partial & Overbearing, and from what I daily learn they do not Complain without cause.

I wish you would be so good as to order the printer to send me the Votes & Laws passed this Session, as soon as printed.

I wish you all happiness and am D(r) Banyar Sincerely and heartily your verry Humble Servant


Page 664

Fort Johnson April 1st 1762

Yesterday I was favoured with your Excellencies of the 17th 2 and 21st 2 ult° with inclosings of Letters from Major GIadwins, relative to some designs of the Indians, concerning which some days ago I did myself the honour to transmit your Excellency some farther Letters from him, which I hope you have received.

On Governor Gages being acquainted therewith, he Dispatched Capt. Claus to Canassadaga in order to enquire into the same which he accordingly did, a Copy of whose proceedings thereon I herewith enclose your Excellency.

I have had a good opportunity for the Week past to enquire into the same, by some Abenaquis Deputies who arrived here with a Panis, Indian, whom they delivered up to replace y(e) Stockbridge Ind(n). killed & to accommodate all matters with those of Stockbridge, and I cannot find after the widest enquiry neither do I believe that the Indians in Canada have any designs of that Nature - Altho' those Abenaquis have confessed to me that they are all greatly alarmed at the many reports propagated amongst them, that the English intend to destroy them. It is not my opinion they will give any credit thereto, so long as they receive good usage from us, and I am hopefull the late order of the Council at Montreal in favour of y(e) Caghnawageys concerning the Lands which they were deprived of by the Jesuits, 3 will also greatly contribute to remove their Jealousies by convincing them of our intention to do them all possible Justice.

The Indian traders in these parts (having been credibly informed that those who go to trade from Montreal to the Severall

1 Destroyed by fire.

2 Not found.

3 See Claus to Johnson, February 16, 1762.

Indian Nations are allowed by Gov(r). Gage to carry rum with them) have the other day made application to me concerning the same, representing that they cannot in that case pcetend to carry on Commerce with the Indians, who will go any distance, & pay any price for that liquor. I should be glad to hear from your Excelly. concerning the same as I am of opinion you will Judge it should be totally prohibited, otherwise, those who are not allowed that article can have no dealings with them.

I have the honor to be

April 2. 1762.

By yours of y(e) 21st Ult(o). which I two days ago received. You seem to think the Council will not look on the Lands given me by y(e) Ind(s). as already purchased, if so, there is an end of the agreement between us, relative to y(e)30000 acres. I am of opinion with you, that the late Instruction does not effect Lands purchased of y(e) Ind(s). agreable to the Regulation, or Lycenses granted to purchase Lands, provided the Indians were willing, and that such were Issued before his Majesty's pleasure therein was known to his Governors. Doubtless we shall soon hear his & the Councils op(n), thereon.

It would have afforded me much pleasure to have served M(r). Cunningam 2 &(ca). thro regard as well as knowing they had been at some unnecessary expence in sending up surveyors stores &(ca). previous to any application to the Indians, which you know is unprecedented but I do assure you the Indians would not hear to it, unless I was to use improper measures, w(h). I dare say my friends will rather commend than condemn me for not takeing.

1 Destroyed by fire.

2 Waddell Cunningham. See his letter of March 1st.

It is verry evident to me that we both mean the Same peice of Land, viz(t), that angle on the East Side of the Creek called Kaiaharon or Canada Creek nearly opposite to the Indian Village of Conajohare, and between the Patt(s). of the River, or Klock's purchase in 1754, 1 and them of Joost Snell, 2 Vandreisen &(ca). but by all acc(tts), not included in any Pattent, yet I am of opinion, it has been purchased by some of the before mentioned Pattentees, and that the Ind(s). look upon themselves the Proprietors thereof as it is not included in any Pattent, as well as by Ury Klock's offering them money for it last year. Their quit claim can nevertheless be easily obtained for about forty pounds. A Receipt from the Sachims for so much money paid them for their Quit claim to y(t). p(s). of Land will be, I presume, sufficient.

I shall be glad to have Coppies of y(e) Indian Deeds, as well as a sketch of y(e)Land from M(r). Colden, y(t). I may see how it lies between the other Patients. Pray let it be taken up, and pattented by us if possible and as soon as you can the Ind(s). claim to it can be Settled without any Doubt.

I hope the Gov(t). will have no objection to the Persons recommended by me for Justices, they are men of the best abilities in these parts, pray let me know whether the Commission for the Peace be made out already. If not I would be glad to recommend M(r). Duncan late of y(e) 44th Regiment now of Schenectady as a Gentleman verry well qualifyed to be one of the Quorum and M(r). John McComb Merch(t). in Albany, w(h). if not too late, I beg you will mention it to the Lieut. Governour (and tell him I shall take it as a particular favour, if he will appoint these two gentlemen with the rest I mentioned to him formerly) as I have not time now to write him.

I am obliged to you for your promise of acquainting me with whatever steps shall be taken in Klocks affair. Had Klock & Fonda at first endeavoured (in an amicable manner) to accommodate

1 Calendar of Land Papers, p. 2-86.

2 Calendar of Land Papers, p. 264.

y(e) affair with the Indians, without going the lengths they have now gone, I do (smudge, can't read rest of word) know but they might have succeeded, but I can hardly believe they will now be satisfied with any thing else than the whole, as they have so long tasted the Sweets thereof, Viz(t), the grain paid them as rent, which is a great support to them. Besides as they all know that the affair is now under consideration, the result of w(h). they impatiently expect to hear, I think it would be improper to mention, or propose any other method of adjusting it to them until they are acquainted with what is done by the Governour & Council.

General Monktons return would give me great pleasure, as would also your Company here sometime. . . . . . .

INDORSED: April 2, 1762.
Letter to M(r). Banyar.

Donated by Margaret Johnson

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