Three Rivers
History From America's Most Famous Valleys

Little Falls, Chartered 1811
150 Years of Progress, 1961
Excerpts will be used from this book.
Map of the City of Little Falls, 1961 use your back button to return to this page.

Part Seven.


When horses were used for transportation, before the auto age, there were many horse races in this locality. There was a track, owned by Timmermans in the Town of Manheim, and in winter there was racing on the ice, west of Fink's bridge.

Photo of Early Sports Teams. Use your back button to return to this page.

Girvan Square has been used for ball games for years, and has been enlarged and rebuilt many times. Previous to this time baseball was played in the Eastern Park and John Crowley used to recall that the Rev. Francis Bellamy, later famous as the author of the pledge of allegiance to the flag, used to tip him five cents for a pail of drinking water, instead of the usual penny.

The West Monroe Street playground was built for football, track and skating, and this year a swimming pool will be dedicated there.

In the bicycle era Taylor Driving Park was built for horse and bicycle races (southwest of the village, on the canal). The Country Club was the first place to have a golf course near Little Falls, and being located on the trolley car line, was popular before autos became so numerous. This year we will dedicate the Municipal Golf Course, near the reservoirs.


Back in the Gay Nineties the automobile was a novelty and a toy, but today it is a part of our way of life, even to those not living in suburbia. To the latter, it is an absolute necessity, as a means of transportation to work, for groceries and for social life.

On August 5, 1897, the Automobile Era was ushered in to Little Falls, when the first motor carriage bumped along Main Street on its way from the factory in Cleveland to New York City. Alexander Winton was the inventor and driver. Two years previously a motor carriage left New York for Chicago, but the driver gave up at Schenectady due to the bad roads. In 1901 there was a New York to Buffalo race and local residents were able to see a variety ef autos, including a. Locomobile delivery car. On July 2, 1904, the Tri-County Firemen's Parade featured a line of autos. In 1900 the car owner printed his own initials on his homemade license plate. In 1903 he painted his license number on the plate and by 1910 the state furnished the plates.

The first local men to own autos were both engineers on the railroad, so were accustomed to the high speed of that period, which actually reached twenty-five miles an hour. In 1901 John G. Thomas purchased a Locomobile steamer which ran on kerosene. The same year Charles Ives purchased an auto, which tipped over on a hill on top of Mrs. Iyes but, being so light, caused no injury. Both these autos were steamers, but the following year Mr. Thomas purchased a Franklin internal combustion auto, and the same year Harvey Feldmeier purchased a Maxwell. I am uncertain which one had the first gasoline vehicle. Little Falls' first auto raffle was held by Mr. Ives, when he decided to sell chances on his steamer. Charles Flint drew the lucky number out of a hat, and as an employee of Mr. Ives won the auto, it was necessary for Mr. Ives to keep off Main Street for a while.

In 1905 Frank Shall and Loomis Burrell purchased Franklin cars, which were built for many years in Syracuse, N. Y. Although most of the early drivers were men, due to the fact that the cars had no self starters, some of the early women drivers were Mrs. David H. Burrell, who learned in 1906, Mrs. Frank Shall, Mrs. Prank Simpson, Miss Ethel Currie, and Miss M. Betty Burrell and Mrs. Aldrich, both of whom owned electric runabouts. These electric vehicles had a short range, about as far as Utica, and had to have their batteries recharged every night. The Phoenix Underwear Company had two electric trucks in use for many years. Speaking of commercial vehicles, S. F. Jones, coal dealer and truckman, had the first heavy truck, a Locomobile. I also recall James Leigh's one-cylinder delivery wagon, which was cranked on the side and was driven by Jerry Kiley. This was made by International and was purchased in 1909 or 1910.

On September 3, 1909, a reliability tour was held to Cooperstown, in which twenty cars participated. Little Falls drivers were: Harold Hichman, Homer P. Snyder, Charles Ross, Prank Stacey, Benjamin P. Casler, Harry L. Becker, Frank H. Shall, R. D. Cooper, Irving Snell, Edwin A. Van Allen, Robert Livingston, Abraham Zoller, J. J. Gilbert, Thomas Zoller and several out-of-town residents. Mrs. O. J. Dempster was the only woman driver, and won second prize. C. J. Lundstrom and W. F. Rathbun also won prizes.

In 1912 Lewis Service started a bus service to Dolgeville which was later followed by Earl Darling and a line by Charles Ross. George Service sold the line to Roy Woolever in 1942 and Mrs. Stella Lesksha operated a large sedan on this route up to last year. At one time George Chatterton started a bus line to St. Johnsville, which is operated today by Capece.

In 1905 Harry Champion was operating a bowling alley on Main Street in the block where the Drake Bakery is now located. A man came up the canal in a motor boat, and having trouble with the motor, asked Harry to work on it, He repaired the damage and decided to operate a garage in his bowling alley in the summer months, and to operate the bowling alley in the cold months. As business increased in 1911, the Lansing Street garage was built by Hallinan Brothers for Harry Champion and Leslie Rathbun. This was later operated by Nellis Bronner, who was the Overland and Willys dealer, and before the war by Percy Whitcomb, the Pontiac dealer. The building is now occupied by the P & C Grocery.

Charles Ross was another pioneer garage owner and for many years was the Buick dealer. In 1904 he was operating a bicycle repair shop and gradually turned to autos. In the early days Earl Roberts and Ross built a homemade auto, which was a familiar sight on the streets of Little Falls. His first garage was in the building now owned by the Moose Club and in 1915 he built the large concrete garage, two doors west of there.

We read of many "Do It Yourself" kits for sale today, but back in those years Gordon Little, George Dise and Gene Jones bought autos, knocked down, and assembled them at Ross' garage. After World War I, Earl Robert and Douglas Jerrold bought the Perry Carriage Shop on Albany Street and operated a garage until World War II. This garage is now occupied by Neil Shaffer, the DeSoto Plymouth dealer.

Happy Wilkinson, who was a railroad engineer, operated a garage on the north side of Albany Street, where Jay Smith has conducted a garage since 1927. In 1918 Clifton Barrett had an automobile store where the Herkimer Hardware Company is located today. After the fire department moved from the Sadler building, at the corner of Albany and Second, Barrett operated a garage in that building. Ed Adams was the chief mechanic, and later he had a garage in Charles Phillips' barn on Albany Street.

In 1928 two new garages were built in Little Falls. Dr. Arthur Grace built a garage on Main Street, which was occupied by the Maxwell dealer and is now the A & P Supermarket. Philip Darling built a garage on Albany Street and was the Chevrolet dealer for many years. When the war shut off the supply of cars the American Store moved into this building and occupy it today. In 1920 Thomas and Dineen built a garage on Mail Street which is now owned by Samuel DePiazaa and house his garage as well as the Niagara Mohawk equipment. They were the Ford dealers in 1920 and later Melvin and Martin md Redmond Smith were the Ford dealers in this building. In 1930 Larry Gallagher rebuilt the old Reed garage on North Ann Street and was in business here for many years.

He was the Oldsmobile dealer. Since 1959 this building has been occupied by a laundromat. Around 1942 Charles (Happ) Steele started in business in the old cheese market building on South Ann Street.

In the spring of 1937, Orval Hall tore down the Bellinger block, at Church and Ann Streets and built a gas station. In 1946 Mr. Hall built the garage at the southwest corner of Second and Garden, where he conducts the Dodge-Plymouth-Valiant Agency.

That was a boom year in construction, as the restrictions nused by the war were removed. James Whitcomb, the Pontiac agent, built a garage west of the city on the road to Herkimer.

In 1946 the Becker Brothers started in the garage business on East Jefferson Street and now have two garages there, as well as a storage barn on Southern Avenue and an auto parts lot in Finks Basin.

John W. Johnson came to Little Palls that year and built his Chevrolet garage at the west city line on Wast Main Street. Provorse Brothers also built a garage on West Main Street that year.

Thomas Mullin came to Little Palls after World War II ind operated the Ford Agency in the Ross Garage at 44 West Main Street, and later built the garage at the north-west corner of John and Mary Streets which today houses O'Connor's Ford Agency.


Before the Revolution there were no stores in Little Falls; Jm fact, most retail business in the Valley was carried on by pack peddlers. Shortly after the war there was a celebrated trial in Herkimer over the murder and robbery of a peddler, "ho had stayed overnight there, and was waylaid the next Homing. The first store in Little Falls was operated by John Porteus in his home-tavern-store building, which was belted on Sixth Street, just north of Elizabeth, on the west side. He held a monopoly on all the business, as well as transportation to the outside world on his boats, and grinding grain or cutting lumber in his mills.

After his death, in 1799, his various enterprises were carried on by his son-in-law, William Alexander. The map of 1803 shows that Alexander was then residing in the Porteus house, but his store was located on the east side of Ann Street, just north of the Inland Canal, which was the site of the Clinton Park Hotel. Alexander built a large stone mansion on the opposite side of Ann Street that year, the plans of which can be found in the Herkimer County Historical Society. This building was damaged by fire and finally torn down around 1874.

In 1821 the first Little Falls newspaper was published, so we have a record of the merchants of those days. At this period most of the stores sold practically everything that was necessary for life in a frontier village. B. B. Hyde sold general merchandise and had two ads, one in English and the other in German, although the Germans were the fourth generation in the Valley. Wendell, Jenkins, Pinney and Marshall sold general merchandise; Asahel Hanchet sold watches; Mather and Howard operated a tin shop; and Smith & Hamilton sold drugs, medicines and paint.

In 1848 George Ashley decided to open a store which sold hardware, instead of all types of merchandise and groceries. His friends told him that he was foolish, but his business prospered and in a few years he built the block now occupied by the J. C. Penney Co.

In the early years stores remained open every evening, but a change was made on January 2, 1901, when the merchants agreed to close at 6:30 P.M. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, remaining open on Monday, Friday and Saturday nights. On April 14, 1902, John R. Taylor, proprietor of a hardware store, inaugurated a movement to form a retail hardware dealers association in New York State.

By World War I stores were keeping open on Saturday evenings and the residents of the rural areas came to town. parking their vehicles on Albany Street and stabling their horses in the livery stables.

Now, Friday night is the time that all local stores keep open.

Chapman Funeral Home
Little Falls' Finest Funeral Home

The house on North Ann Street, owned by the late Walter Becker, was built by George Ashley between 1854 and 1864. This is the flat roof, high room type of mansion, built during the Civil War period, so many of which we notice through the rural areas.

When the Ellice estate was broken up, in 1831, the lot was sold to Col. James Munroe of New York. The lot was later sold to Henry Alexander, son of William Alexander, the agent of the Ellice estate at one time. He sold all the lots, between Lansing and Gansevoort Streets, on the west side of Ann, to Horace Burch, on January 31, 1838. That same day, he sold the Becker house lot to Judge Hiram Nolton, who built a house there.

After 1854, the house was moved to West John Street, near Main, and was razed in March, 1920, to make way for an addition to the Little Falls Felt Shoe Company.

Isaac Small, the next owner of the Ann Street House, was born in Herkimer, November 11, 1805. He was in business there, as well as in New York City. He came to Little Falls in 1849 and purchased a dry goods store but, after a year, retired. He was one of the organizers of the Little Falls National Bank, of which Walter Becker was vice president in more recent years.

We might mention Admiral Lester Beardslee, who resided at 42 North Ann Street at various times. He married Evelyn Small, daughter of Isaac. He was born on Third Street, in Little Falls, but was no relative of the East Creek Beardslee family. He graduated from Annapolis Naval Academy in 1856, commanded the monitor, "Natuck", in the Civil War, and was commander of the U. S. Pacific fleet from 1894 to 1897. He retired just before the war, which brought fame to the Pacific fleet and its commander. Admiral George Dewey.

Walter Becker purchased the house before World War I and was residing there at the time of his death, April 26, 1956. He was born in 1874 at Altamont, near Albany, served in the Spanish-American War and organized the Little Falls Fibre Company in 1904.

In 1958 this fine old mansion was purchased from the Becker estate by Mr. Floyd Chapman. After extensive renovation it was put into use as the Chapman Funeral Home.


The first arrival of the Slovenian people in the Mohawk Valley took place just before the turn of the century. They were attracted to this valley tor a number of reasons, the most important being the knitting and leather tanning industries for which Little Falls was noted, and for the fertile farmlands which dot the rural countryside.

The number of Slovenians grew steadily until there were over 300 before the 20th century was 10 years old. As they grew in number, and as they began to feel more adjusted to this, their newly adopted country, the urge within them tor social and congenial companionship began to assert itself.

With this in mind, a small group of Slovenians took the initial step towards the formation of some manner of club or organization. Early in 1905 a meeting was held at the home of Prank Rozanc. This group organised a cultural, social, and beneficial society known as St. Joseph Society, #53, and became affiliated with the JKSJ of Ely, Minnesota. At the head of this newly organized society was placed a committee of three, namely, Frank Rozanc, John Silc, and Frank Sterzinar.

At a general meeting held in the spring of 1910 it was voted unanimously to secure a home for the new organization. The properties of Andrew Spacapan, located at 36 Danube Street, was purchased for this purpose. With several changes, modifications and improvements this building serves to this day as the Slovenian Home.

At the yearly meeting held in December 1927 the membership voted to form a new organization. For this purpose the property interests of the St. Joseph Society #53 was transferred to the Slovenian Home which subsequently became incorporated under New York State law on March 23, 1928.

Within a few years after the close of World War I, the emigration of the Slovenian people came to an end. By this time there were over 400 families living in the Mohawk Valley. Here they rasied and educated their families and developed a true and genuine love for their new homeland. This love has been well manifested in the courageous and faithful service to their country, at home and abroad, during the trying periods of the two great World Wars.

By living close to the principles of brotherhood and standing decidedly for the promotion of education, the purposes for which the Slovenian Home was organized, it is their hope that the world differences may one day be resolved so that a happier and better way of life may be had by all.

At time of incorporation, March 23, 1928, the officers were: Frank Gregorka, President; Anton Osredkar, Vice President; Frank Masle, Secretary; John Purnat, Recording Secretary; and Joseph Homovec, Treasurer. The directors were: John Purnat, Prank Gregorka, Frank Gregorin, Louis Marosek, John Peckay, Louis Lenarcic, Frank Masle, Anton Osredkar and Joseph Homovec.

Present officers are: Prank Peckay, President; Herman Schwasnick, Vice President; Frank Mlinar II, Secretary-Treasurer. Directors are: Charles Hobb, Frank Janezic, Frank Mlinar II, Joseph Finkst, Frank Mlinar, Thomas Konchar, Harold Sperbeck, John Zorce and Herman Schwasnick.

Staff Sgt. Steve Stefula Post, No. 4612, V.F.W.

The Post was formed by returning Veterans of World War II, following which a Charter was issued by the National V.F.W. in August 1945. Approximately 300 of these returning Veterans are Charter Members of the Post. The Post bears the name of S/Sgt. Steve Stefula, who gave up his life for the freedom that we enjoy today. All those who visit our home during the Sesqui-Centennial Celebration will notice upon entering, the memorial dedicated to Steve Stefula, which is lighted day and night in his memory. The enclosure also contains the original charter issued to the Post and the names of all the charter members inscribed thereon. The organization was and still remains very active in Veteran and Civic affairs. In addition to being under the direct guidance of the V.P.W. Dept. of New York, it is also a member of the Herkimer County Council of the V.F.W. The original Post Home was purchased in 1947, from Mrs. Gertrude Bellinger, a former local resident. This important purchase was made under the direction of Commander Ted Mikus, with Past Commander Fred Casler heading the housing committee. Work on the original structure was started immediately, and progress was made rapidly, through the voluntary efforts of many of the members. The old Post Home pictured above will bring back many memories of the good times and friendships made there. Over the years the Post has always maintained active leadership in the V.F.W. Two of the charter members, Daniel C. McCormick and Gordon E. Doling, were named Deputy Chief of Staff and Chief of Staff respectively for the Department of New York State. A memorable event for the V.F.W. was the mortgage burning party held May 26, 1956. In just 10 years these active members had their home paid for. Each year the Post has honored a distinguished citizen of the city for activities benefiting the community as a whole. The names of those Anniversary Awards winners are as follows:

The Little Palls Evening Times
-John B. McGuire

Chr. Hansen's Laboratory
-A. C. Benjamin

Leon M. Dussault
Elmer E. Munk
Mrs. David H. Burrell, Jr.
Edward Cooney, Jr.
Richard Rasch
Francis Skinner
Donal Hurley
Mrs. Wayne Roa
Miss Zaida Zoller
John Pinnegan

Tragedy struck the Post on December 26, 1958 when a fire destroyed or made useless a great share of the building. Undaunted by this setback the membership held immediate meetings and within a matter of weeks formulated plans for the magnificent new building shown in the upper right. The building was designed by Leo Proctor and built by Edwin Ford. The V.F.W. considers this building a living memorial to our departed comrades, and it is our hope that you, the public, will enjoy its facilities with us during the vast Little Falls Sesqui-Centennial Celebration.

Fred Casler, Jr.....................1945-46
Ted Mikus ...........................1946-47
Charles Fort ........................1947-48......................Inez Newport
Paul Krupa ..........................1948-49......................Mary Schuyler
Robert Newport...................1949-50 .....................Helen Cramer
J. Everett Cramer.................1950-51......................Claire Ough
Steven A. Zeman..................1951-52 .....................Patricia Gifford
John R. Edwards..................1952-53......................Doris Wright
Donald P. Richardson..........1953-54..................... Edna Stock

Charles T. Bowen................1954-55..................... Betty Zenal
Ralph Shifferdecker.............1955-56..................... Betty Zeman
William Laubenstein............1956-57..................... Mary Mosher
Edward Gifford...................1957-58......................Charlotte Cigale
Herbert Johnson...................1958-59......................Teresa Edwards
Victor Sivc...........................1959-60......................Catherine Adasel
Steve Ostey..........................1960-61......................Ann Harris
James D. Toher....................1961-62......................Dorleska Durisek

De Carlo -Staffo Post, No. 8

Do you want to know a few facts about the Italian-American War Veterans of the United States, Incorporated?

The organization is composed of men who are Americans of Italian extraction and served under the American Flag. It had its inception in Hartford, Conn., on November 11, 1931.

During World War I about 4,000,000 men and women enrolled in various branches of the armed forces of the United States. About 750,000 who answered "here" for the defense of our beloved country were Americans of Italian extraction. In World War II, 14,000,000 answered the call, and 1,700,000 were Americans of Italian extraction.

The Italian-American War Veterans of the United States, Incorporated, is America's militant organisation of Italian'American fighting men.

Members of the Italian-American War Veterans of the United States, Incorporated, together with their fellow veterans do not intend to drop the battle of democracy and good will and decency, just because the sound of airplanes and machine gun fire has been quieted. The killing and destructive phases of the fight for freedom are over. The long road toward the achievement of the goals for which we fought must be realized and we will carry on the fight toward this end.

Other veterans' organisations have similar purposes in some respects, but the Italian'American. organisation, the ITAM Vets, specialises in particular aspects.
1. VETERANS WELFARE-Hospital visitation, involving individual gifts to veterans of all creeds; entertainments; presentation of facilities at hospitals and convalescent centers.
2. SERVICEMEN'S SERVICE ON ALL PROBLEMS-Veteran rehabilitation, hospitalisation, claim filing, educational vocation training, employment, personal assistance.
3. FLAG EPUCATION-Cooperation with welfare and other patriotic groups fostering Americanism.
4. ORGANIZATION ACTIVITY-Ladies Auxiliary, membership work, and sponsoring athletic activities.

The ITAM Vets, meeting on common ground with other veteran organisations, presents the point of view of the halo-American with reference to many specific problems.

In other words, the Italian'American War Veterans of the United States, Incorporated, is an essential part of the American way of life, just as much as any other veteran organisation.

In 1937, a group from the Department of New York came to Little Falls and organised a number of Italian-American World War I veterans. This group became known as the DeCarlo Post #8 in honor of Private Angelo DeCarlo, who gave his life in combat.

During World War II, the post became inactive. Immediately after the war was over, the post became re-activated by veterans who had returned from World War II and in 1947 the name of 1st Lt. John Staffo was added to the name of the post. Lt. Staffo was shot down while on a combat mission over Greece. His body is resting in the Zachary Taylor National Cemetery, Louisville, Ky.

The DeCARLO-STAFPO POST #8, of Little Falls, New York, is a proud affiliate of both the Department of New York and the National Department of the Italian-American War Veterans of the United States, Incorporated.

De Carlo -Staffo Post, No. 8 and Auxiliary


The picture from left to right-Mrs. Jennie Wood, Mrs. Reba Maltby (standing), Mrs. Mary Forsyth, R.N., Mrs. Anna Casey, Mrs. Sarah McRorie. (The day staff only are shown standing in the center)-Frank Manion, Miss Irene Mesick, Edward Murray. I, Margaret Bride at the right.

The old Sheard home has become a haven and a home for retired citizens of yesteryear. The group who make their home here have served the community at teachers, farmers, nurses and in many other capacities throughout the years.

Thirteen years ago the present owner decided that there was a definite need for a place for old folks who need nursing care and supervision without hospitalization and it was for that purpose that the Van Allen Nursing Home came into being. The original staff was composed of five and at the present time there are seventeen. There were 5 patients 13 years ago and 32 at the present time.

24-Hour Nursing Service with Licensed Supervision
and Choice of Your Family Physician

As it appeared 60 years ago.

Little Falls Lodge of Elks, No. 42 ... Our 75th Year

The local lodge of Elks was instituted in December 1886 at which time there were 41 lodges in the United States with a total membership of 5500. The first lodge of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks was instituted on February 16, 1868, in New York City.

In the early years membership was limited to professional entertainers and those individuals interested in the theater and the allied arts. Little Falls, in the 1800's, was a mecca for minstrel and stage shows, drawing upon the surrounding territory, as well as upon the booming Erie Canal and the thriving world of the famous cheese market for its patronage.

It was but a natural sequence that in 1886 a group of forty-one men from Little Falls and vicinity banded together and petitioned the newly organised national fraternal organization, called the benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, to grant them a dispensation so a lodge might be established in Little Falls.

The first meeting of the petitioners was held April 9, 1886, under the dispensation granted the group by Exalted Grand Ruler Daniel A. Kelly. On December 12, 1886, by action of the Grand Lodge in session in New York City, a charter was granted the local lodge, to be known as Little Palls Lodge No. 42. This charter, signed by two of the "venerables" of Elkdom, Will E. English, as Exalted Grand Ruler, and A. C. Moreland, as Grand Secretary, is one of "No. 42's" most prized possessions and is prominently displayed in the lodge room.

The original petitioners, or charter members, were: R. L. Anderson, J. S. Barnet, Squire Bailey, Thomas Bailey, O. H. Brigham, L. 0. Bucklin, Frank Burgor, A. 0. Casler, A. T. Smith, J. H. Churchill, S. L. Devendorf, Thomas Dasey, George Greene, Charles R. Helmer, E. S. Mart, R. E. Jacobs, Hadley Jones, F. M. Kenyon, D. M. Leahy, E. Stauring, D. M. Leary, W. P. Lansing, N. G, Lower, S. B. Merriam, D. J. Williams, John McGurty, T. H. Middleton, P. D. Osgood, P. R. O'Brien, J. T. Petrie, S. W. Petrie, Prank Reed, F. W. Smith, T. A. Scott, J. R. Thomas, Wm. Thompson, C. L. Vosburgh, Wm. Vosburgh, G. D. Waterman, Edward Walsh, Jr., S. J. Waters, Jr.

For many years Little Falls Lodge was the only Elks Lodge between Albany and Utica and it was natural that it grew with the years, drawing upon the entire surrounding Mohawk Valley for membership. The first meeting rooms were on the second floor of the then D. M. Leary Block, located on the south side of Main Street between Second and Mary Streets.

After being located in several places, in 1913 the still growing lodge moved into new quarters especially constructed for them on the top of the then Hotel Richmond (Hotel Snyder).

By 1922 the membership of Little Falls Lodge reached the point where more than half the members were from outside the immediate vicinity of Little Falls and, as a consequence, Herkimer Lodge No. 1439 and Ilion Lodge No. 1444 were instituted. These two lodges drew upon Little Falls Lodge for many of their charter members and thus Little Falls Lodge became, in effect, the Mother Lodge of both of them.

With the drop in membership, due to the formation of these two new lodges, it became financially prudent for Little Falls Lodge to seek smaller quarters. For a while the lodge met in the old Danceland Ballroom, then in 1935 moved to rooms on the second floor of the present Oppel Building located on the south side of Main (539) Street between Second and Mary Streets.

As the membership and enthusiasm for the principles of Elkdom increased it became apparent that larger lodge rooms were again needed. In 1945 a large brick residence at 2 W. Gansevoort Street was purchased and remodeled to fit the needs of the lodge and club. Now, in 1961, our 75th year of Elkdom, we have contracted for the construction of a new 30 ft. x 70 ft. addition to our present facility, which will give adequate Lodge Room and increased space tor ritual and social activities.

The present membership of nearly 400 reflects and attests to the stewardship of that modest but purposeful group of organizers and their successors over the past seventy-five years.

In 1954-55 a group of wives of members petitioned the Lodge for permission to form a ladies' organization of Little Falls Lodge No. 42. This permission was granted and on March 27, 1955, "The Lady Elks" became a reality upon the institution and installation of officers. A separate organization, with its own constitution and by-laws, its purpose is to bring together in social communion the members of the families of Elks and to assist the lodge in its practice of the principles of Elkdom.


William F. Lansing -1886-1887
Charles R. Helmer -1887-1888
Sidney W. Petrie -1888-1890
Hadley Jones -1890-1891
William A. Pepper -1891-1893
James D. Feeter-1893-1894
Myron G. Bronner -1894-1896
Homer P. Snyder -1896-1897
Edward H. Douglas -1897-1898
Eugene E. Sheldon -1898-1899
Percy L. Haight -1899-1900
Harry L. Snyder -1900-1901
George H. O'Connor -1901-1902
Fred K. Kurtz1902-1903
Theodore Fallis -1903-1904
Thomas H. Flanagan-1904-1905
Frank H. Shall-1905-1906
John K. Taylor 1906-1907
Norman D. Olmstead -1907-1908
John Crowley -1908-1909
John F. Leary -1909-1910
William J. Berrigan -1910-1913
Louis L. Yourdon -1913-1914
Edward A. Van Allen -1914-1915
Henry C. Terry-1915-1916
Fred E. Abbott -1916-1917
Fred G. Smith -1917-1918
James A. Evans-1919-1920
Edward H. Teall-1920-1921
William H. Coffey -1921-1922
John W. Powers -1922-1923
Daniel H. Farrell -1923-1924
W. Howard Coffey-1924-1925
John F. Leary. Jr. -1925-1926
Leo D. Mahoney -1926-1927
Thomas P. McTiernan 1927-1928
Robert J. Courtney1928-1929
Harold C. Watts 1929-1930
Charles J. Fitzgerald -1930-1931
Grover J. Murphy1931-1932
John P. Daly -1932-1933
Ford Trash -1935-1938
William E. Kuehnle 1938-1939
William E. Cheney1939-1940
James E. Weatherwax-1940-1941
Percy E. Whitcomb-1941-1942
George Fiesinger -1942-1943
George Newport -1943-1944
John Ingersoll -1944-1945
Harry J. Hooks-1945-1946
Harry Hotaling -1946-1947
Richard J. O'Brien -1947-1948
Bernard Malone -1948-1949
Harold Cheney -1949-1950
Robert W. McCloud-1950-1951
Gordon H. Smith -1951-1952
Morris Goldstein 1952-1953
James T. Holland -1953-1954
Jacob Muhl, Jr. -1954-1955
Thomas G. Burney -1955-1956
Erich Kupfer -1956-1957
Walter Brown-1957-1958
Emilio Petrillose -1958-1959
Samuel Mucica-1959-1960
Paul Holick, Jr. -1960-1961
Leo L. Holland -1961-1962

Thus after seventy-five years of Elkdom we have had our sorrows and joys together. Sorrows in the loss of our Dear Brothers who have passed along and the joys we have had in our association with them as Elks. We remember them with whom we were privileged to walk along the pathway of good fellowship and brotherhood until their summons came and they silently moved to the other shore. Each night at "The Mystic Hour of Eleven", wherever Elks are gathered, all Elks, living or dead, are remembered.

"The faults of our Brothers we write upon the sands,
Their virtues on the tablets of Lore and Memory."


The Kiwanis Club of Little Falls is proud to be a part of the Little Falls Sesqui-Centennial observance. In 1961 the club observed the sixth anniversary of its founding. The club was organized in May, 1955, and since that time has undertaken a number of projects of service to the community. Boys' and girls' work is one of our most active interests, and we have sponsored fishing derbies, trips to Griffiss Air Base, and a Connie Mack baseball team. The club has developed interest in Rev. Francis Bellamy, originator of the Pledge of Allegiance, and annually makes Bellamy Awards to an outstanding graduate of the local high schools. The following men have served as president of the club: 1955, George Cummings; 1956, Nicholas Kauffman; 1957, Prank Gregorin; 1958, Harold Giftord; 1959, Rev. Frederick Thorne; 1960, Carl Scalise - Alton Millen; 1961, Philip Will.

Little Falls Maennerchor
Founded November 11, 1902

The name Maennerchor means men's choir in the German language. This was the basic foundation on which this club was organized. There were nineteen founders of which the only living charter member today is Mr. Edward Kurtzbach, 70 King Street, who is 90 years young.

Their first meetings were held in one room in the old Checker Block on East Main Street. After the membership grew, a suitable hall was secured in the Benedict Block, also on East Main Street, where the 25th anniversary was celebrated. In 1934 when the 200 mark was reached in its membership, the club purchased the late Dr. Ingham estate on South Ann Street. A 50th Jubilee celebration was held in 1953 which was a memorable event.

In past years, the former singing society of the club participated in many State Song Festivals where competition was keen. The trophies and diplomas won are on display in a glass-enclosed hutch at the club lounge room.

With the tireless help of the Ladies Auxiliary over many years, in putting on Suppers, Parties, and Dinner Dances, the approximately 275 members are proud of their newly remodeled club rooms.

The Officers at present are the following: President, James Critser; Vice President, Newton Flanders; Treasurer, Ben Markwardt; Financial Secretary, Bayard Pettingill; Corresponding Secretary, John Pelzer. Trustees: Adolph Loucks, Jack Kaye, John Polinski.

Come in and be our guest. Your host will be Charles Balderston, Steward.

Little Falls National Bank

The present Little Falls National Bank building was completed in 1921 on the site of the old Cronkhite Block. In 1961 the bank is still serving the public at the same location where it first opened its doors over 82 years ago. An Independent Community Bank Since 1879 In 1891 the village of Little Falls was 80 years old, and the bank was a youthful 12 years. Since that time the village has become a city, and the bank's assets have increased over 1800%. The bank has served as a depository for private, public, and corporate funds, has provided safe deposit facilities for the storage of valuables, has acted as trustee and in other trust capacities, has loaned money to buy farms, livestock, machinery, homes, automobiles, and household appliances, to expand businesses, to pay for medical expenses, home improvements, furniture, educations, and travel, and for many other worthwhile purposes.

The following figures reflect the growth of this bank--and of the community-during the period from 1891 to 1961:
..........................Sept. 25, 1891-- May 31,1961
Total Capital Funds $142,045-- $ 930,545
Deposits 313,703 --7,637,575
Loans 359,659-- 3,205,606
Total Resources 493,583 --9,033,313

The old Cronkhite Block at the southwest corner of Ann and Main Streets, around 1910. The Little Falls National Bank was located here from 1879 until 1918, when the building was destroyed by fire.

Member of Federal Reserve System and Federal Deposit Insurance

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