Three Rivers
History From America's Most Famous Valleys

The Fourth New York Regiment 1778-1780
The Second New York Regiment, 1780-1783
by Samuel Tallmadge and Others
with Diaries of Samuel Tallmadge, 1780-1782 and John Barr, 1779-1782
Prepared for publication by Almon W. Lauber PH.D. of The division of Archives and History
Albany, The University of the State of New York, 1932.

Orderly Book III

[This Orderly Book when received by the Archives and History Division had 22 pages torn off and inserted in another volume. By placing the two parts together there is given a consecutive record of General Poor's Brigade from July 29, 1779, when he was stationed at Wyoming, Pa., to August 22, 1779, at Tioga Point.

Incorporated with General Poor's Brigade was the 2d New York Regiment, commanded by Colonel Philip Van Rensselaer. This fact not only makes it quite proper to include this Orderly Book among those now printed, but also explains how this volume came into the hands of Samuel Tallmadge.

The contents were written by at least three different persons, but their identity is not disclosed. It seems quite likely that Charles Nukerck [Newkirk],(1) who was adjutant and captain lieutenant, wrote the greater portion of the volume.]

all sutlers are forthwith ________ny and Colo Butler(2) is possitively ordered not to suffer any at his post. Dureing the Expidition the Commissarys as ordered to receive what Liquors they have on hand and pay them a Reas_______ Price for the same, should any sutler after these orders offer to sell he may Exspect to have his Liquors taken from him without any Pay.

The Qr Mr Genl will attend to the Immediate Removal of such as are not Inhabitants of this place such Inhabitants as hereafter to sell Liquor may also Exspect to be Removed

After Orders July 29th 1779
as the Light Corps of the army are Excused from furnishing their Quota of Boatmen Maxwells(3) Brigade will turn out a Sub Serjt & 19 in addition to their number ordered this morning. Poor(4) a Sub_____________

Commanding officers of Regiments and Corps to have a thourough examination of all the arms and Accoutrements & ammunition in their Respective Commands and see that they are put in perfect Readiness for Action. the army to hold themselves in perfect Readiness to march on the shortest notice, as they will soon be Called upon to march against the Enemy whose Savage Barbarity to our fellow Citizens has Rendered them proper

1 Journals of the Military Expedition of Major General John Sullivan. p. 327.
2 Lieutenant Colonel Commandant William Butler, 4th Pennsylvania Regiment. Heitman, Historical Register, p. 138.
3 Brigadier General William Maxwell commanded the First Brigade consisting of the 1st, 2d, 3d and Spencer's New Jersey Regiments.
4 Brigadier General Enoch Poor commanded the Second Brigade consisting of the 1st, 2d and 3d New Hampshire Regiments, and the 6th Massachusetts Regiment.

Objects of our Resentment the GenI Assures them it is impossible to be; opposed by Equal numbers nor Can he think that even if their number ware Equal they wou_____ nd__ the Bravery & Dissipline of the_______ the Honour to Command ______to be Remembred that they are a secret Dissolutary and ___emy Seizeing Every oppertunity and avail. ing themselves of every Defect on our part tho they Can ne [ ver] withstand the shock of Brave troops of Brave [and] Resolute troops yet should we be so Inatentive to our own safty as to Give way before them they become the. most Dangerous and Distructive Enemy that Can Possibly be Conceived of they follow the unhappy fugitives With all the Cruel and Unrelenting hate, of prevailing Cowards and are not Satisfyed with Slaughters untill they have totally Destroyed thier apponents it therefore becomes Every officer and Soldier to Resolve never to [give way before] them but Determin Either to C________ Persist which will Ever ensure Success not mention these things under ___tion of Cr__________ the officers or Soldiers failing in any part of their Duty but that Every one may Go into Action with the Same Spirit and Determination should this Possibly be the Case nothing but an uncommon frown of Providence Can prevent us from Obtain. ing that Success which Will Ensure peace to our frontiers and afford Lasting Honour to all Concerned.

Head Qr Wyoming July 30th 1779
The army will march to morrow morning at 8 oClock in the order pointed out in the Orders of the 25th Instant

The Whole of Colo Proctors Regiment(5) will______ [b] oates Capt Gifford(6) of the 3d Jersey Regt is a ___________Command on the west side of the ________Horn of the same Regt will Com[mand] ______Destined to take of the party in Case of necessity the Guard of the Commander in Chief will Compose the Armd party under his Command who are to prevent the boates Diserting the party under Capt Gifford. Colo proctor will have the sole Direction of the fleet and is to be obeyed accordingly he may when he thinks necessary assign any other tower of Duty to Lieut Horn(7) and his party which he may think more Advantageous to the service. The Qr Mr and Commissary will apply to Colo Proctor for every necessary assistance in the boate way which they may stand in need of while on the passage.

5 Colonel Thomas Proctor commanded the Artillery Regiment and the military band. Heilman, Historical Register, p. 453.
6 Captain William Bernard Gifford, 3d New Jersey Regiment. Ibid., p. 247.
7 Lieutenaznt Benjamin Horne, 3d New Jersey Regiment, Ibid., p. 301.

this day they will apply to the brigadeir and field officers of the day for such troops as they may stand in need of for Loading the stores.

Maxwells Brigade will furnish a Rear Cuard to morrow that they may not be under the Necessity of Halting untill they arrive at Lagawahanunk(8) the place of Encampment to morrow Night. The Genl will beat at 1/2 past 7 for strikeing tents the assembly for paradeing at 8 a Cannon from Colo proctor will notify when the march Commences all the pioneirs of the army will be formed into a Company and proceed under Cover of Genl Hands(9) Light troops to Clear the Roade they will receive and Obey such Instructions as they may receive from him.

The Commander in Chief returns his sincere thanks to Colo proctor and the officers of his Corps for the attention they have paid to every Order & very Create assistance they have Given him in makeing preparation for the Expidition he also returns his thanks to Lieut Colo Reed(10) and the officers and soldiers of his Detachment for their Zeal and Activity in forwarding the stores from Eastown and for secureing the Desarters from the army, he also Returns his thanks to Lieut Horn and his Company for the Expidition in which they took of the Garrison and stores from Fort Jenkins(11) While the Commander in Chief is expressing his thanks for particular services Justice obblidges him to declare that the attention and soldierly Conduct of all the officers and soldiers affords him the most pleasing prospect of A successfull Campaign, and he assures them he is Convinced While he has the Happiness to Command such troops Victory must be Certain & Opposition Can only serve to add such Laurels to the American Army.

The Genl Reminds the officers Commanding Corps that as the Horses assigned them Cannot all be Loaded here with their own Baggage the pub lick stores of the army are to be put on Such as Can be spared. Serjt Paitrick Sullivan of Colo Hubleys(12) Regiment is Appointed Assistant to the Commissary of millatary stores.

The Commissary will this Day Deale out to every field officer and officers Commanding Regiments not of that rank three Gallons of spirits Each also to all officers of staff who have Really the rank of field officers

8 Logawahanunk was meant for Lackawanna.
9 Brigadier General Edward Hand commanded the Third Brigade consisting of the 4th and 11th Pennsylvania Regiments, the German Battalion, Artillery Regiment, Morgan's Rifleemen, Independent Rifle Company, Wyoming Militia and Independent Wyoming Company.
10 Lieutenant Colonel George Reid, 2d New Hampshire Regiment. Heitman, Historical Register,
11 Fort Jenkins, near Wyoming, Pa.
12 Lieutenant Colonel Adam Hubley commanded the 11th Pennsylvania Regiment. See his Journal in Journals of the Military Expedition of Major General John Sullivan, p. 145.

the Genl is exceedingly unhappy that his afforts has not been sufficient to procure Spirits for the other officers and were he to make a Distribution of the spirits on hand among the whole the Quantity would be to Each to trifHing to mention the officers of Inferior rank will there [fore] please to Draw Each three Callons of whiskey or such other Liquor as the Commissary may have on hand which he flatters himself will be satisfactory as it is out of his power to procure better. the soldiers to be served with a Jill of whiskey this day. the troops are to take in their packs ten days bread part hard and part soft also two Days salt meat. All officers Not already Supplyed with arms are to be furnished this afternoon-the Qr Mr Genl is Directed to make A Reasonable Compensation to every Inhabitant for their several Losses sustained by this army.

Head Qrs Lagawahanunk(13) July 31 st 1779
Field officer Colo Coartland(14) Do for Right flank and Left.
Lieut Colo D Hart(15) Brigade Major Marshall
Colo Cilleys(16) Regt to form the Rear Cuard

Head Quarters Quitutimack(17) Augt 2nd 1779
as the Genl finds the army Cannot march to day he Directs the troops Draw so as to Compleate five Days Provision Exclusive of to day and will if Possible have their bread baked this day and three days meat Cooked the troops to draw one Jill of Whiskey pr day until further Orders the Jill for tomorrow to be Drawn this evening the army will hold themselves in Readiness to march to morrow morning at 7 OClock the Genl will beate percisely at Six the assembly at 1/2 past Six beginning at Maxwells Brigade and the march to Begin at Maxwells Brigade at 7 & the army will Immediately move on when the assembly beats Colo Proctor will fire a Gun as a Signal for the fleet to get under way and proceed up River with all possible expidition.

Genl Hand will move with his Light troops and pioneirs percisely at 6 OClock as the movement of the army will in a greate measure Depend on the Conduct of the pioneirs Genl Hand will furnish them with a trusty officer to superintend and Direct them in their Business 1 Capt 1 Sub & 50 men

13 Lackawanna.
14 Major Nicholas Van Cortlandt was aide de camp to General Sullivan. Heitman, Historical Register. p. 555.
15 Lieutenant Colonel William DeHart, 2d New Jersey Regiment. Ibid., p. 192.
16 Colonel Joseph Cilley. 1st New Hampshire Regiment. Ibid., p. 155.
17 Seven miles above Lackawanna.

to parade Immediatly to meet a party sent from Wyoming by Colo Butler with Cattle and Horses for the army. Brigadeirs and Officers Commanding Regiments be particularly Carefull that not Less than 5 Pack Horses be Conducted by one man.

After Genl Orders Augt 2nd 1779
as the stores of the army will not at present afford a Sufficient supply to furnish the Boatmen and artificers with the allowance assigned them Usually The Commander in Chief Directs that they draw Provissions with the troops Untill further Orders the Qr Mr Commissary and Commissary of Millatary stores will put as many of their Respective stores on board the boates as they possibly Can and if Possible in deed have all that brought forward on pack horses this to be done Immediatly.

Colo Proctor will please to Exammin into the number of hands and passengers on board the boates from time to time and turn A Shore all over the Compliment Assigned them Respectively Unless they show Certificates from the Commanding officers of Regiments of their being unabl to march.

Commanding officers of Regiments will please to order all the woman of their Respective Corps who Can Ride to Immediatly to Quit the boates and proceed by Land as there will be A Sufficient Quantity of horses and the women Going on horse back will Deminnish the number of Drivers from the army. the Baggage to be Loaded on horse back to be fited this evening in the best manner for Loading, all the articles of Baggage on board the boates which Can be Conveniently Carried on horse back will be taken out this day and fixed for that purpose the Regimental Qr Mr will pay particular attention in Examining the Boates Assigned their Respective Regiments-as Genl Hand is to march an hour before the main army the Genl is to beate at 5 OClock at his Brigade.

Colo shrieves(18) Regt to furnish the Rear Guard tomorrow.

Head Quarters Tunkhannah(19) Augt 3d 1779
the revalie to beate to morrow morning at day brake when the army will rise breakefast and be ready for a march the Genl will beate at 5 OClock the Assembly at 1/2 after and the march to Commence at 6 percisely the Light troops to march percisely at 5 OClock Colo Coartlands(20) Regt to form the Rear Guard

18 Colonel Israel Shreve commanded the 2d New Jersey Regiment. Heitman, Historical Register, p. 495.
19 On Tunkhannock creek.
20 Colonel Philip Van Cortlandt commanded the 2d New York Regiment. Ibid., p. 555.

After Genl Orders Augut 3d 1779
as the fireing a Signal Cun Ought and will be taken as an Alarm the Genl in the most positive terms forbids any person fireing his Gun at any thing but an Enemy.

Head Qr Vandelips Dessolated Farm 42 Miles from Wyoming Augt 4th 1779
as there is a probability of the Enemy makeing an attack upon the army between this & Wyolusing the following Order of march is to take place to morrow. Flank Division to Consist of 400 men and to be Commanded by two field officers they are to be in two Divisions one to Cover the army on the Right, the other to Cover the Pack Horses Brigadeirs are Directed to see that their Troops march in Close Order and that they march with the Largest front possible not Exceeding Plattoons. the Commander in Chief will be in front and when he finds that the Collums may be lnlarged he will Direct in front which is to Extend to the whole but the Brigadeirs will take Every Favourable Spot to Enlarge the front of the Collums. The following Signals are to be Observed Viz two Ruffles will be A Signal for the Whole to march by files one Ruffle to march by Single files three Ruffles to march by Sextions & four to Advance by Plattoons the troop beating upon the March is Ever A Signal for the troops to Close Collums and beating a march is a Signal for Displaying the Collums unies Special Orders be Given to the Contrary at the time in Order that no Mistake may take place an Orderly Drum or more to be Appointed to Each Regiment and the Signal to be taken from the front and Repeated through the whole Line.

the Genl is Sorry to be Compelled to Repeat his former Orders Respecting the Horses he now allows two Battalion Horses for each Regiment to Carry Refreshments for the officers of the Same he also Directs that five of them be Led by one Driver only those of Genl Hand will follow in his rear Genl Maxwells in his. Genl Poors in his Rear the Brigadeirs may Arrange their own in the manner they may think Propper the Brigadeirs and field officers are Called upon to See that those Orders are punctually Carried into Exe. cution through the whole Line, no Exception of those or any other Order of march to be permited, Unless Special Reasons Should Induce the Com. mander in Chief to Order them upon Propper Application.

The Genl to beat at Hands Brigade percisely at 5 OClock his march to Commence at 6 in the morning percisely the Genl to beat in the main army at 6 and the march to Commence at 6 OClock and the March to Commence at 7 OClock.

Head Quarters Wyoming(21) August 6th 1779
as the army will not march to day they are Directed to Clean themselves and their arms the Commissary is to Compleate the troops withe three Days flour and two Days Beef Exclusive of this day Which is to be Baked and Cooked this Evening A point and 1/2 Salt to be Issued with Every Hun dred Rations. the troops to Receive one Jill of Whiskey this Evening for to morrow. Genl Hands Brigade to march at 7 OClock to morrow morning the Genl to Beat with the main army at 7 and the march to Commence at 8 OClock. The fleet to move forward at 7 in the morning the army to march in the Same order as Yesterday. the troops to be Loaded Ready for Action Boatmen & Soldiers on Board the Boates Also to be Ready Charged Colo Proctor will Loade and in Every Respect prepare his Cannon ready for Action.

Ensign McEwen(22) of Colo Spencers Regt haveing been Arrested on a Supposition of Neglect of Duty but the Genl being Since Convinced that he was not the Least Culpable Releases him from his Arrest he Desires him to Return to his Duty Colo Reads Regimene3 forms the Rear Guard.

Head Quarters Wyolusing Augt 7th 1779
the Badness of the weather has prevented the army from marching this Day Agreeable to yesterdays Orders Genl Hands Brigade will march to morrow morning at 5 OClock the main Army to march at 6 the Genl to beat at 5 OClock Provided the weather will Permit all the Musquetteers on Board the fleet with their Respective officers to parade percisely at 4 OClock this Afternoon on the Beach in front of the Boats they will parade with their arms in Order to have them Reviewed by the Genl & Field officers of the Day. Colo Coartland & Major Conway will Attend in Order to make some Necessary Disposition the Infantry who have been Drafted for Boatmen will parade on the Right the Others on the Left under their Respective officers.

Head Qrs Standinng Stone Augt 8th 1779
the army to march to morrow morning at 6 OClock the Genl to Beat at 5 o.

21 A town of the Delaware Indians in Bradford county, Pa., on the east bank of the Susquehanna river about two miles below present town of WyaIusing. Sipe, Indian Wars of Pa., p. 754.
22 John McEwen, ensign and quartermaster in Spencer's New Jersey Regiment. Heitman, Historical Register, p. 369.
23 2d New Hampshire Regiment.

Head Quarters Augt 10th 1779
The troops lmmediatly to Draw two Days Provision at the Rate of one lb Flour & one lb 1/4 Beef pr Ration.

The Genl is Exceedingly Sorry he is under the Necessity of Deminishing the Quantity of Rations in anyone Article but he flatters himself the propriety of the Measure Will be manifest to Every Soldier Under his Command upon Reflecting on the nature of the Expidition our Whole magzeine of Provisions must be Carried with us and the term of the Campaign So Uncertain the Genl at the Same time assures them the Rations shall be Augmented when Situation and Circumstances will enable him to do so and promises in the meantime an Equivolent Shall be made them for Deficiencys when the army moves from this place the Following Regulations are to take Place: The Qr Mr Genl and Surgon Genl(24) are to Attend the Commander in Chief upon the march for his Direction all the Surgons and mates of the Flying Hospital the Deputies and Assistants of the Qr Mr Genl are to march in the Rear of the main army as Also the Commissary Genl the Commissary of Staff their Assistants and Deputies the Brigade Chaplains Qr Mr & Commissarys to march in the rear of their Respective Brigades Regimental Surgons and Qr Masters in the rear of their Respective Regiments the Genl and field officers of the Day Particularly and any other officer observeing A Breach of these Orders will lmmediatly order the Delinquents in arrest.

A Regiment from Each Brigade to parade percisely at 12 OClock on the Left of Genl Hands Brigade with their arms______ts but without any other Luggage S _______ot march from this Ground to day the Guards_______ t Retreat Beating and to be Disposed of by the Genl and Field officers of the Day.

Head Qr T yoga Augt 14th 1779
the Commander in Chief haveing with Greate Difficulty procured Shirts and Frocks for those Soldiers who are Naked officers Commanding Regiments & Corps are Requested to make Returns of Such as have no Shirts as also of Such as have but one that they may be Supplyed it is Exspected that officers Commanding will be Particular Attentive to See that no Fraud is Commited in these Returns as it would be unjust & Dishonourable to the Last Degree for an officer to Claim in our present Circumstances of Sup-

24 Dr Francis Hagan. Heilman, Historical Register, p. 266.

plies more Cloathing than is Absolutely Necessary-though the Genl Cannot help Expressing The highest App________ [R] esolute Conduct of the officers and _______ys Exersion yet he must again re_______ troops of the Necessity of useing these precautions which he has So Repeatedly urged-though the Enemy we have to Contend with have not the Resolution to withstand the Onset of Such Determined Soldiers yet they are fruit full in their Stratagems Secret in their Designs and Capable of takeing Every Advantage which the Situation of the Ground or our own Inattention and want of Caution may Give them.

The proceedings of yesterday must prove to Every thinking person the propriety of former Orders and the Necessity of these. the officers of Regt are Positively Ordered not to be Absent from their Respective Commands when ever their Regiments are Ordered to a place where there is a probability of an Attack from the Enemy and the Soldiers are Cautioned against wontonly throughing away their fire When they have no Object to Level At how Exceedingly pleasing it must be to four or five Lurking Savages to See one fire from them produce a wanton Discharge of All the musquets in A number of Regiments without any kind of aim meaning or Order and Leveled at no Object but Endangering those officers who are Endeavouring to restor them to Order and Spreading Carnage amoung themselves painfull as it is the Genl must Say that much of the Mischief done yesterday to the troops was done by Ourselves by an unguarded and unjustifiable Conduct by troops to who in Every part of their Conduct Proved that they had Sufficient Bravery to Engage an Conquest ten times their Number of their Dastardly foes as it is the Business of officers to Direct the fire of their Troops it is positively Ordered that the officers in future Draw up their troops in Case of an Attack and point out the Object against which their fire is to be Directed and the Soldiers are Positively forbid to fire without haveing Received Directions from their officers.(25)

After Orders Aug 14th 1779
Nine Hundred of the most Active Privates with A proper number of Commissioned and Non Commissioned officers to be Immediatly Drafted from the army and prepare to march at 6 OClock in the morning of the 16th Instant the Brigadeir will please to See that the men are properly Chosen and that they are officered with Active and Able officers this Detachment to parade

25 This probably refers to the skirmish with Indians on August 13th, and was an order from General Sullivan.

at 8 OClock to morrow morning Genl Poor(26) will take Cammand. af the Party and Give them the Necessary Instructions When paraded to morrow Genl Hand(27) will also be with the party

The Commissary is to Issue the Detachment Eight Days flaur af which they will take half to morrow he will also see that as many Cattle as will Serve them Eight Days be paraded at 6 OClock an the marning af the 16th with proper Drivers all the troops Chosen for the Detachment to be Immediatly taken off Duty the party will have two Days meat Delivered to morrow and have it Cooked the Commissary of Millatary Stores will furnish ten Boxes af ammunitian the Qr Mr will furnish Horses to Carry them and have them Paraded in Season.

Head Quarters Augt 15th 1779- Tyoga
one Quart of Whiskey to be Issued this Evening to Each officer and half point too' Each officer and Soldier Ordered on Detachment Commanded by Genl Poor. the Brigade Commissaries too Call on the Brigade Majors for the Respective Returns the officers are too' See Respectively that water are Immediatly mixed with the Soldiers Whiskey.

Major Edwards(28) Capts Proctor(29) Bayer(30) & Jackson(31) are Appointed A Court af Enquiry to Examine the Causeo af the Complaints made by Sergt [John] Hopper & Corpl Rose of the 2nd Jersey Regiments against Lieut [Jonathan] Cass af the 3d New Hampshire Regt the Court to Set this afternoon at 4 OClock at Capt Proctors tent the parties and Evidences to attend.

for fatigue the Same officers & men as yesterday

Head Quarters Tyoga Augt 16th 1779
the Commander in Chief [John Sullivan] takeing Accation from Yesterdays Event to Impress upon the minds of the Soldiers the Necessity of what he has So often Urged Viz. the Utmost Care and Caution to Avoid Giveing their Lirking Adversaries an Oppertunity of triumphing at their Imprudence. the Genl Again Repeates that we have Nothing to fear from our Enemy but their takeing Petty Advantages which our want of Caution Produces Altho the Enemy be Despicable in Action yet our Yielding Repeated Oppertunities for takeing Little Advantages may Render them formidable in idea,

26 Brigadier General Enoch Poor commanded the Second Brigade in the Sullivan Expedition.
27 Brigadier General Edward Hand commanded the Third Brigade.
28 Major Evan Edwards, 11th Pennsylvania Regiment. Heitman, Historical Register, p. 212.
29 Captain Francis Proctor jr, 4th Continental Artillery. Ibid., p. 453.
80 Captain Peter Boyer (Bowyer), paymaster of the German Battalion. Ibid., p. 114.
31 Captain Lieutenant Jeremiah Jackson, 11th Pennsylvania Regiment. Ibid., p. 316.

to prevent which the Troops are Positively forbidden on any pretence to Go without the Lines of Encampment. A Capt and 50 men are to be posted on the West Cyuga to Guard the Horses and Cattle & Secure the Camp Genl Maxwel(22) will Order A Serjt & 12 men to Guard at the Spring Opposite his Encampment.

As the Soldiers Immitate the Indian Hoop and their Repeated fireing tho Contarary to Repeated Orders Evidently Prevented, timely Notice being taken Yesterday of the Savages they are forbidden makeing those Noises in future and Every officer is Called upon to Apprehend Such as are Guilty of fireing Muskets and have them punished Agreeable to former Orders

In future the fireing A Signal Gun will be Considered as an Alarm of which the officers of the Day is to take Immediate Notice and Repair to the place in Order to Learn the Occation if they find it proceeds from their own troops they are to order Immediate punishment to be Inflicted upon the Offenders.

officers Commanding Brigades to Order A Sufficient Number of Vaults to be Dug and Covered with Green brush fresh Earth to be thrown in them Every morning they will Likewise Order A party to Cut Down Shrub Bushes and weeds in front of their Encampments at the Distance of 100 Yards as Also in the rear those to be Collected at the Same time and Burnt no Cattle to be Slaughtered within the Chain of Centinals and Offal of Such as have to be Immediatly Buried.

Brigade Orders Augt 16th 1779
Adjutant [Jeremiah] Pritchard of the lst New Hamshire Regiment is Appointed do the Duty of Brigade Major to Genl Poors Brigade till further Orders and is to be Respected Accordingly. the Commanding officers of Regts are Directed to See that their Qr Masters Cause to be Cut and Cleared of the Shrubs and Brush in front and Rear of their Regts Agreeable to Genl Orders.

Head Quarters [Tyoga] Augt 17th 1779
The Qr Master Genl is lmmediatly to Imploy Every person he possibly Can in makeing Baggs that will hold half A Barrel Each he is Every Night Until the Business is Compleated to make Report of the Number on hand, the Commissary is to Collect all the Empty keggs and have them Compleatly filled up with flour and make Report without Loss of time of the Number, no time is to' be Lost to have this matter accomplished Respectively.

32 Brigadier General William Maxwell commanded the First Brigade in the Sullivan Expedition.

Doctor Rogers(33) Informs the Centlemen of the Honourable and Antient Society of Free Masons that he purposes to preach the funaral Sermon of Capt Davis(34) and Lieut Jones(35) to morrow morning at 11 OClock at the Block House where they as also the other Centlemen of the Army are Intitled to attend.

Head Quarters Tyoga Augt 19th 1779
as the army is Subject to frequent Real Allarms and in Order that they may be heard as Soon as possible practiseing on Drums is in future Strictly forbidden or beating them on any Other Occation Except for Signals and the Duties of the Camp. the Court Martial Whereof Major [William] Scott [1st N. H. Reg.] is president is Disolved.

an Orderly Serjt from Each Brigade to Attend at Head Quartrs Dailey.
After CenI Orders Augt 19th 1779
A CenI Court Martial to Sit tomorrow morning at 9 OClock for the tryal of All Such prisoners as Cannot be tryed by A Regimental Court Martial Lt Colo [William] D'Hart [2d N. ]. Regt.] is Appointed President at whose Quarters the Court is to Sit Maxwells Poors and Hands Brigades will Each Furnish a Capt and three Subalterns.

Head Quarters Tyoga Augt 21st 1779
as the Crass now Cuting is intended Solely for the Use of the Carrison to be Left at this place it is therefore not to be taken of [f] or Consumed for the Present on any pretence whatever.

After Genl Orders Augt 21st 1779
as A Greate number of Baggs will be wanting in Order to Carryon flour for the army and there is no Other way of procureing them than by Cutting up tents and makeing them up into Baggs it being Absolutely Necessary that the Baggs Should be furnished Immediatly the Commander in Chief Requests that Genl Maxwell Direct as many tents Cut up and employ as many hands as will Compleat three Hundred Baggs Colo [Joseph] Cilley [151 N. H. Regt.] will furnish the Same Number from Genl Poors Brigade Colo [Adam] Hubley [11th Penn. Regt.] will furnish in the Same manner two Hundred from Genl Hands Brigade, the Qr Mr is Directed to furnish them

33 The Rev. William Rogers, D.D., was chaplain of General Hand's Third Brigade. Heitman, Historical Register, p. 473; Hubley's Journal in Journals of the Military Expedition of Major General John Sullivan, p. 153.
34 Captain Joseph Davis, 11th Pennsylvania Regiment, killed by Indians near Wyoming, Pa., April 23, 1779. Ibid., p. 188.
35 Second Lieutenant William Jones, McLane's Delaware Partisan Company, killed by Indians near Wyoming, Pa., April 23, 1779. Ibid., p. 325.

with patterns Needles and twine for the purpose as the Number of tents would Otherwise been Retrenched previous to our march from Hence the Inconvenience to the troops in Reduceing the Number of tents Can bee verry trifling but if the Inconvenience ware Ever So Greate it must be Submited to through Necessity the Genl Requests the favour of the officers to Exert themselves in haveing this Business Accomplished With All Conceivable Expedition the State of our Magazine and Other Important motives Urges to put a Speedy Conclution to the Campaign officers who are possesed with keggs of Which they are not in Immediate want of are Requested to Send them to the Commissaries those Which are private property Shall be paid for if a number of those keggs be not provided it will be Impossible to Carry on A Sufficiency of Salt Provisions and Liquors for the Army.

Head Qrs Tyoga Augt 22nd 1779
until further Orders the Commissaries are to Issue no more fresh Provisions to the army.

At A Genl Court Martial whereof Lieut Colo [William] DHart [2d N. J. Regt] was President Serjt Obby of the 1st Jersey Regiment was tryed for Robing the State Stores of Liquors found Guilty and Sentanced to be Reduced to the Ranks in the following manner to wit first to be Reduced to the Ranks Secondly to be Stopted of one months Share of State Rum and to be Accountable to the State as if he had received it and thirdly that the mode of his Reduction be that the Guards Shall bring him on the parade at the Head of his Regiment that the Drum Major Shall Strip of his Coate and put it wrong Side Outwards that A Canteen be Hung About his Neck and then Returned into the Ranks. Corpl Wilson of the Same Regiment Charged with being an Accomplise and Accesary to Robbing the State Stores when Commanding the Guard Set over them was found Guilty and Sentanced to be Reduced to the Ranks Stoped of one months State Stores as in the Case of Serjt Abby(36) and Run ye Gantlope through Maxwells Brigade

Thomas Perry private in the Same Regiment was tryed for and found Guilty of Robing the State Stores While A Centinel Over them and Sentanced to be Stoped as in the Other two Instances and Run the Gantlope through Maxwells Brigade Willm West & John Flinn of the Same Regiment tryed for Robing the Same Stores and found Guilty of Only Partakeing of them and at the Same time knowing them to have been Plundred ware

36 Spelled "Obby" above.

Sentanced to be Stoped as before Mentioned the Commander in Chief Approves the Sentances and Orders the punishment to be inflicted this Evening at Roll Call. the Court of Enquiry whereof Major Edwards was President is to Sit to morrow Morning at 10 OClock.

[One leaf torn out. The record begins more than a year later and the scene shifts to Orangetown. The handwriting appears to be the same.

The rest of this Orderly Book seems to have been used about 1783 to copy important general orders relating to the army, acts of Congress, acts of the State of New York relating to the army, and the organization of the Order of Cincinnati. These documents begin with General Orders from headquarters in March 1779 and cover the years 1779, 1780, 1781, 1782 and 1783. The copying was done by several persons. The documents are not always chronologically arranged.]

Camp Orangetown(37) Tuesday Septr 26th 1780 Major Genl Greens(38) Orders.
The truely martial Appearance made by the troops yesterday, the Order and Regularity with which they made the Different marches and the ease and ficility they performed the sevaral Manoeuvres. does them the Greates Credit, and Affords the most flattering prospect of Substantial Service, Reputition and millatary Glory. Nothing Can be more pleaseing to the officers who feale for the honour of the army and the Independance of America, that to see the rapid progress made by the troops in millatary Disapline; the Good Conduct of all the officers of yesterday, gave the Genl the highest satisfaction and the particular services of the Inspector Genl and those Serveing in that Line, Deserve his particular thanks.

Treason, of the blackest dye, was yesterday discouvered, Genl Arnold who Commanded at Westpoint. Lost to Every Sentiment of honour of private and pub lick Obbligation brought About to Deliver up that important post into the hands of the Enemy. Such an event must have Given the American Cause a deadly wound. if not a fatal Stab, happily the treason has been timely discouvered, to prevent the fatal misfortune, the providential traine of Circumstances which led to it Affords the most Convinceing proof that the Liberties of america is the Object of divine protection. at the same time that

37 Orangetown (town of Orange), founded March 1686, under grant made to emigrants from Holland, the shire town until 1798. Tappan was its center.
38 Major General Nathaniel Greene was left in charge of the army at Orangetown while Washington was absent for a week at Hartford, Conn., to meet with Rochambeau and decide concerning future operations. News of Gates' total defeat at Camden, S. C., had just been received.

the treason is to be regreted, the Genl Cannot help Congratulating the army on the happy discouvery. Our enemy dispairing of Carreing their points by force are practiseing every base art to effect by bribary and Corruption, what they Cannot Accomplish in a manly way; Greate honour is due to the American army that this is the first Instance of treason of the kind, where many were to be exspected, from the nature of the dispute; and nothing is so bright an Ornament in the Charecter of the soldiers as there haveing been proof against all the arts and seductions of an Insiduous enemy. Arnold has made his escape to the enemy; but Mr andre the adjutant Genl of the brittish army who Came out as a Spy, to negosiate the business, is our prisoner. his Exelency the Commander in Chief has arrived at West point from hartford, and is no doubt takeing the proper measures to Unravel fully so hellish a plott.

An act to Lequidate and settle the accounts of the troops of this State in the service in the United States.(39)

be it enacted by the people af the State of New York represented in Sinnate and Assembly, and it is hereby enacted, by the Authority of the same, that it shall be Lawfull for the person administring the Government of this State, and he is hereby required forthwith after the passing this act by and with the advice and Consent of the Council of Appointment, to Appoint three Auditors to Lequidate, and settle the accounts of the troops of this State in the service of the United States in Order to Assertain the pay due to each person by the Depreciation af the Currency that the said Accounts shall be Lequidated and setled an the establishment of pay by which the Accounts of the troops from the State of Connecticut in the Service of the united states has been Lequidated and setled; and agreeable to the dates of depreciation Specifyed in the farm of the accounts Contained in the shadule of this bill anexted and upon the principles an which the said account is stated.

and be it further enacted by the Authority Aforesaid, that the said Auditors or any two of them Shall Cause A Compitent number of Certifcates to be printed of such form and manner as they shall deeme best Calculated to prevent fraud and Counterfits; and with blanks for the names of and the Sum due to the person to whome the same shall be Given; and bair date on the Last day of July Last and proportioning that the person Named in such Certifycate or his assign shall be Entitled to receive from the treasury of this state at the expiration of the present war, the sums specifyed in such Cer-

39 The inclusion of this act in the Orderly Book is evidence that it pertained to a New York military unit. This bill with amendments became a law October 4. 1780. Laws of the State of New York. v. I. p. 298-302.

tifycates in gold or silver at the rate of eight shillings for one Spanish Milled Dollar, with Intrest for the same, at the rate of five percent pr Annum from the date hereof and that such Certifycates until redeamed shall be receiveable in payment upon purchasing Confiscated Lands, for the amount of the principle and Intrest thereof, at the same rate with Species and that the said Auditors shall give to each officer and private a Certifycate for the Ballance due to him.

and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that if any person possest of such Certify cates Shall apply to the Commissioners of forfitures for any of the destricts in this state for the purchase of any particular Confiscated Estate, not deemed by the said Commissioners Charged or Incumbered with Claims or morgages other than mortgages, the money whereon Shall be due and owing to persons then Attainted, and shall deposit with the Commissioners a sum in such Certifycates in Gold or silver Equal to what the Commissioners shall deeme to be one third of the Value, in Gold or silver, of such estate, that the Commissioners shall therefore Cause such estate to be Apprised at what would have been the Value thereof with the then present improvement in specie in the year 1774 the then present Value thereof in specie by three apprisers one to be elected by the Commissioners the Other if the person applying for the purchase of such estate and the third by the said other two apprisers, that the said apprisers shall be reputable free holders of this state resident in the County where such estate shall be, and shall previous to the makeing of the Apprisement each take an Oath and which Oath the Commissioners are hereby authorised to administer, well and truly to apprise such estate, at what shall in their judgement be deemed to have been the Value thereof with the then present Improvement in specie, in the year 1774 in the Value thereof in specie, and is for payment to the Commissioners of a sum in such Certify cates, or in Gold or Silver at the rate of Eight shillings for a spanish Milled dollar, which together with the sum so deposited as aforesaid shall be equal to the sum at which such estate shall be apprised the Commissioners shall Convey such estate to the said person, in Like manner as if such estate had been sold at publick Vandue, and the said person had been the highest bidder; that the expenee of the said Apprisment shall be born by the state, and the Commissioners shall accordingly pay to the Apprisers a reasonable sum for their services, to be allowed to the Commissioners in their ace's as Contingent expencies; that the Commissioners shall pay unto the treasury of this state the Certifycates and monies they may receive upon such sailes; that if the person upon whose application such apprisement shall be paid, shall not make such payment to the Commissioners as aforesaid, within two Months thereafter; that the Commissioners shall not in such Case Convey the estate to the said person and the sum so deposited with the Commissioners shall be forfited to the people of this state, and shall by the Commissioners be paid into the treasury of this state provided nevertheless that nothing in this act Contained shall be Construed to deprive Tenants of the benefit intended by the Eighteenth sextion of the act Entitled an act for the forfiatures and saile of the estates of persons who have adheard to the enemies of this state, and for declareing to soveranity of the peoples of this state, in respect to all property within the same passed 22nd Octr 1779 and that if any person possesed of such Certify cates shall apply for the purchase of any Lands the reviser or remainder whereof (only) shall have become forfited, the Commissioners shall not Cause such apprisement to be made until they shall have previously informed the tennant, in possession of such Lands of the Application for the purchase of the said. Lands, and require such tenants to produce within the time Limited for that purpose, the Certificate prescribed by the said act, and in the fault thereof that it shall then be Lawfull for the Commissioners to Cause such Apprisement to be made as is directed by this act and Convey the reviser or remainder of such Lands to the person makeing such Application as aforesaid, and provided further that nothing in this act shall be Construed to Compell the Commissioners to Convey any part or parcell of a tract held or improved as one intire farm or possession unless such tract shall Containe more than five hundred Acres; and provided further that nothing. in this act shall be Construed, to authorise the Commissioners to Convey any of the Lands morgaged by this act entitled an act approveing of the act of Congress of the 18th day of march 1780 relative to the financies of the United States and makeing .provision for redeeming the proportion of this state of the bills of Credit, to be emited in persuance of the said act of Congress passed the 15th day of June Last.

Orderly Book 3, part two

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