Three Rivers
History From America's Most Famous Valleys

Father Isaac Jogues, a French Missioner held captive by the Mohawk Indians at Ossernenon (Auriesville) in 1642 and again in 1646, was tortured along with companions acompanying him. Escape of the priest (called "Black Robe" by the Mohawks) from the first captivity in 1643 was accomplished by the assistance of the Dutch Chaplain at Fort Orange, Dominie Megapolensis. The Friendship marked first evidence of ecumenical awareness in Upstate New York.

In 1646, on his second mission to the Iroquois, Jogues was hatcheted and beheaded, second of the Eight North American Martyrs who are memorialized at Auriesville Shrine visited by millions since it was established in 1885.

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