Palm Sunday, St. John's Reformed Church

Sunday School Christmas Program

What We Do

Regular Events

Sunday School Sunday, 9:30 A.M. Sept-June
Worship Service Sunday, 11:00 A.M.
Summer Worship Sunday, 10:00 A.M.
The Consistory Second Tuesday, 7:00 P.M. Sept-June
Women's Guild First Wednesday, 7:00 P.M.
Youth Group

Activities during the year.

Morning Circle Wednesday, 9:30 A.M.
Choir Rehearsal Wednesday, 7:00 P.M. Sept-June
Bible Study Thursday, 7:00 P.M.

St. John's Reformed Church Program Guide

St. John's Reformed Church is a dynamic and exciting church. We Glorify God as together we work, play, learn, and worship. We find joy in life through our Lord, Jesus Christ. We seek to share that joy with others.

Some of our activities are described in the following paragraphs. Because we are an active and dynamic church, our activities and schedules are constantly changing to keep pace with the changing needs of our community. Regardless of our changing time, however, one theme remains: We seek to proclaim the love of God in Christ to a world that needs the Gospel.


The worship of God is central in the life of each Christian. The cornerstone of St. John's life together is our gathering each Sunday for worship. All of the members of St. John's are expected to join together in worship and praise of our Lord. We welcome friends from the community to join us in the worship experience. Nursery is provided at each morning worship and transportation is provided to those who express a need for it. Our worship is inspiring as we are led in our praise by pastor, choir and upon occasion lay liturgists.

Communion is held the first Sundays in October, November, December, January, February, March, April and/or May, and June, a Sunday in late July and on Maundy Thursday.

In addition to our commitment to provide worship every Sunday morning, we have annual worship services as well. These include: a Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, an Ash Wednesday Service, a Maundy Thursday Communion Service with either Tenebrae or Seder Supper, a Good Friday Service, an Easter Sunrise Service, and a Thanksgiving Eve Service. A Healing Service and Prayer Services are also provided during the years.

Our worship is rounded out by special worship services such as weddings and funerals where we seek to celebrate the love, power, care, and compassion of God at significant times in the lives of individuals.


The heart of our education program is our Sunday School where we provide Christian teaching to all ages from three to adult each Sunday morning from the Sunday after Labor Day to the second Sunday in June. Classes begin at 9:30 A.M.

Confirmation classes for youth and membership classes for adults run for six weeks as needed. We also have a Bible Study that meets each Thursday year round at 7 P.M. and other opportunities for study as announced.

St. John's Library provides a resource for individual study in the areas of Bible, theology, inspirational writings, fiction and many more areas. Resources not only include books, but filmstrips and videos as well.

Finally, our major source of communication is our Newsletter. It is published monthly except for July and August when there is one midsummer edition. Through the Newsletter, information is provided by each organization of the church to inform and encourage one another. Special features include a message from the pastor, committee reports, which describe ways people are or may be involved in the life of the church, and a calendar of the up coming month's events.

Outreach, Fellowship & Service

Our Women's Guild for Christian Service and Women's Morning Circle are groups of concerned women of St. John's who meet to plan and carry our much good work at St. John's. They put together Food Sales, dinners, and other Fund Raising events. The Youth Group is made up of young people from grades 7-12 who, as in the Guild and Circles, come together for service, fellowship, education, and sharing.

Among the opportunities we have for fellowship are PotLuck Dinners. Every week after worship we have a coffee hour when we can share our lives with one another.

All of these activities are open to nonmembers as well as members; nonmembers are encouraged to participate. Some activities and sponsorships are designed with nonmembers particularly in mind. These include: Boy Scouts who meet in the basement on Mondays. In addition to the other missions which we support, we provide scholarships to help St. John's young people attend college and camperships which enable church and community children to attend Fowler's summer camp program in Speculator, New York.


The great number of activities, services and events which we carry out at St. John's are made possible through people who selflessly give of themselves in many areas behind the scenes. Administrative coordination and attention are given to innumerable details related to our facilities located on West Main street in St. Johnsville, our finances, and our routine functioning. All of this is overseen by an eight member Consistory functioning through its committees. By the Grace of God and the dedication of His people we are able to accomplish much by the power and abilities He has given us.

Are you called to be part of the family of God? YES, you are!

This is the Good News that we proclaim and we invite you to share with us in the worship, learning, outreach, and support of the ministry of God through our Lord Jesus Christ. You are called. Come be a part of God's plan!

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